Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Clever Poppycock" a.k.a. Intellectual Nonsense

This post is dedicated to all the nonbelievers, naysayers, doubters, the unfaithful minds that create in women a sense of uncertainty in her ability to give birth the way nature intended. I know, I know there are already so many, articles, blogs, books, etc on the topics of birth, pregnancy, and women, but I haven't given my thoughts yet....

Clever poppycock is the ingenious nonsense, babble that has been fed to women over generations by "the authorities that be" on how we should be delivering our babies, "OUR BABIES". From my understanding, me and the man I chose created this being so how is it that my "careprovider" decides how, when, and where I have MY BABY.  

Let me tell you a longer then short story...A 25 year old woman becomes pregnant with her first child (yes, ME). Everything seems to go well, she's seeing a Midwife (of the Caucasian race AND we are already worlds apart). At 28 weeks this young woman is diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (a collection of symptoms that leads to not so great circumstances). Fast forward, she is pumped with drugs and weeks later a cesarean operation is performed due to "fetal distress". Keep in mind this young lady is CLUELESS and following doctor's orders, all the while with a million unanswered questions in her mind that she is too afraid to ask or just doesn't know she can ask. A nightmare of perplexed, misguided fortune. How the tables could have turned if she stood her ground to ask ONE question from the very beginning, "What will be the course of treatment and what are my options?" How simple is that, but if you don't know you can ask questions, you most certainly will not get answers. This may not go for all careproviders, but I see the vast majority is not interested in you telling them how you will be treated. We all know the saying "Its my way or the highway" and what type of customer service is that. I thought the customer is always right? I guess not when you are having a baby, they already know whats best and you know NOTHING.

To shorten this story, this same young lady armed herself with knowledge and went on to give birth to 3 more children vaginally (1 hospital and 2 home births), something that is still to do this day some say shouldn't be done. The coined phrase "Once a cesarean, always a cesarean" by OB/Gyn Edwin Craig, should be thrown to the cosmos and forgotten FOREVER! Now there are some cases who may need a repeat cesarean but this is not the case for everyone. Just as most women do not need to have their baby in a hospital setting because we think its "safer". Hospitals are places where sick people go, supposedly to get better. It is not a place for pregnant women. YOU ARE NOT SICK. Hence the clever poppycock of it all that we have fallen into for decades. I just have one question, "Before there were hospitals, where do you think women gave birth and who attended them?" If you don't know, do some research. Plain and Simple.

We must educate ourselves not only for the future of our descendants, but so we can take a stand now before our decision to birth the way we want is made obsolete...that should be frightening. Tell those clever poppycocks (careproviders, friends, and family)no more of your getting in between my sheets, my cervix, my breastmilk! I can have the birth of my dreams and it doesn't have to be in a hospital, painful, and drugged up! Say it loud, BIRTHING MY WAY! GET OUT OF THE WAY YOU CLEVER POPPYCOCK!

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